33 research outputs found

    Paleomimetics: A Conceptual Framework for a Biomimetic Design Inspired by Fossils and Evolutionary Processes

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    In biomimetic design, functional systems, principles, and processes observed in nature are used for the development of innovative technical systems. The research on functional features is often carried out without giving importance to the generative mechanism behind them: evolution. To deeply understand and evaluate the meaning of functional morphologies, integrative structures, and processes, it is imperative to not only describe, analyse, and test their behaviour, but also to understand the evolutionary history, constraints, and interactions that led to these features. The discipline of palaeontology and its approach can considerably improve the efficiency of biomimetic transfer by analogy of function; additionally, this discipline, as well as biology, can contribute to the development of new shapes, textures, structures, and functional models for productive and generative processes useful in the improvement of designs. Based on the available literature, the present review aims to exhibit the potential contribution that palaeontology can offer to biomimetic processes, integrating specific methodologies and knowledge in a typical biomimetic design approach, as well as laying the foundation for a biomimetic design inspired by extinct species and evolutionary processes: Paleomimetics. A state of the art, definition, method, and tools are provided, and fossil entities are presented as potential role models for technical transfer solutions

    Paleomimetics: A Conceptual Framework for a Biomimetic Design Inspired by Fossils and Evolutionary Processes

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    In biomimetic design, functional systems, principles, and processes observed in nature are used for the development of innovative technical systems. The research on functional features is often carried out without giving importance to the generative mechanism behind them: evolution. To deeply understand and evaluate the meaning of functional morphologies, integrative structures, and processes, it is imperative to not only describe, analyse, and test their behaviour, but also to understand the evolutionary history, constraints, and interactions that led to these features. The discipline of palaeontology and its approach can considerably improve the efficiency of biomimetic transfer by analogy of function; additionally, this discipline, as well as biology, can contribute to the development of new shapes, textures, structures, and functional models for productive and generative processes useful in the improvement of designs. Based on the available literature, the present review aims to exhibit the potential contribution that palaeontology can offer to biomimetic processes, integrating specific methodologies and knowledge in a typical biomimetic design approach, as well as laying the foundation for a biomimetic design inspired by extinct species and evolutionary processes: Paleomimetics. A state of the art, definition, method, and tools are provided, and fossil entities are presented as potential role models for technical transfer solutions

    Constructional design of echinoid endoskeleton: main structural components and their potential for biomimetic applications

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    The endoskeleton of echinoderms (Deuterostomia: Echinodermata) is of mesodermal origin and consists of cells, organic components, as well as an inorganic mineral matrix. The echinoderm skeleton forms a complex lattice-system, which represents a model structure for naturally inspired engineering in terms of construction, mechanical behaviour and functional design. The sea urchin (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) endoskeleton consists of three main structural components: test, dental apparatus and accessory appendages. Although, all parts of the echinoid skeleton consist of the same basic material, their microstructure displays a great potential in meeting several mechanical needs according to a direct and clear structure–function relationship. This versatility has allowed the echinoid skeleton to adapt to different activities such as structural support, defence, feeding, burrowing and cleaning. Although, constrained by energy and resource efficiency, many of the structures found in the echinoid skeleton are optimized in terms of functional performances. Therefore, these structures can be used as role models for bio-inspired solutions in various industrial sectors such as building constructions, robotics, biomedical and material engineering. The present review provides an overview of previous mechanical and biomimetic research on the echinoid endoskeleton, describing the current state of knowledge and providing a reference for future studies

    Structural mechanics of echinoid skeletons as candidate systems for biomimetic research

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    Echinidenskelette bestehen aus vielen Einzelteilen, wozu die Platten der Schale, Stacheln, Kieferapparat, Skelettscheiben der AmbulakralfĂŒĂŸchen, und die Skelettelemente der Pedicellarien zĂ€hlen. Diese Elemente sind aus einem kalzitischen Leichtbau Gitternetzwerk, dem Stereom, aufgebaut. Die Schale der Echiniden umgibt die inneren Organe sowie Gewebe und dient als StĂŒtzapparat fĂŒr z.B. die Stacheln. Außerdem fungiert diese Schale als Schutz gegen Ă€ußere biotische, sowie abiotische Faktoren. Besonders die Schalen der Clypeasteriden, einer Gruppe irregulĂ€rer Echiniden, welche hĂ€ufig im Sediment eingegraben leben, weisen eine erstaunliche StabilitĂ€t auf. Diese StabilitĂ€t Ă€ußert sich in dem sehr hĂ€ufigen Auftreten der Clypeasteriden Schalen in rezenten LebensrĂ€umen, als auch im Fossilbeleg. Die GrĂŒnde fĂŒr die besondere StabilitĂ€t der Schalen wird in deren strukturellem Aufbau vermutet. Die Schalen der Clypeasteriden, vor allem von Clypeaster rosaceus und Echinocyamus pusillus, werden in extenso untersucht, um die zugrunde liegenden strukturellen Skeletteigenschaften aufzudecken, welche fĂŒr die StabilitĂ€t der Schalen verantwortlich sind. Die Schalen der beiden oben genannten Echiniden Arten wurden mittels Elektronenmikroskopie und Mikro-Computertomographie auf ihre Architektur untersucht. Durch die Anwendung von computerbasierten Methoden fĂŒr rĂ€umliche- und volumetrische Untersuchungen werden neuartige Einblicke in die Mikrostruktur der Schalen,sowie deren strukturelle Einbindung ermöglicht. Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Schlen der beiden Untersuchungsobjekte meherere VerstĂ€rkungsmechanismen auf verschiedenen hierarchischen Ebenen aufweisen, deren Wirkung aber durch biologisch notwendige Strukturen reduziert werden kann. Eine Stabilisierungsstrategie ist das Einbinden der Platten in ein Mosaik, welches von zusĂ€tzlichen skeletalen Verbindungen zwischen den Platten sowie Verdickungen an deren Grenzen verstĂ€rkt wird. Dieses Plattenarrangement verleiht der Schale eine monolithische Struktur. Auch die Anwesenheit interner StĂŒtzelemente hat gezeigt, dass diese sowohl Druck-, als auch Zugspannungen in der Schale verringern. Die Untersuchung der Stereomarchitektur und deren Topologie ergab, dass das Stereom eine gut ausgebildete LastentrĂ€gereigenschaft hat

    Taphonomy of a clypeasteroid echinoid using a new quasimetric approach

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    Spatial distribution, diversity, and taphonomy of clypeasteroid and spatangoid echinoids of the central Florida Keys

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    Background Irregular echinoids are ecosystem engineers with diverse functional services. Documenting present-day distribution of those widespread organisms is important for understanding their ecological significance and enhancing our ability to interpret their rich fossil record. Methods This study summarizes SCUBA surveys of clypeasteroid and spatangoid echinoids conducted in 2020 and 2021 along the central part of the Florida Keys. The survey included observations on both live and dead specimens, their distribution, habitat preferences, abundance, and live-dead comparison. Results Echinoids were found at 17 out of 27 examined sites (63%) and occurred across a wide range of habitats including coastal seagrass meadows, subtidal sand and seagrass settings of the Hawk Channel, backreef sands, and fine muddy sands of deeper forereef habitats. The encountered species, both dead and alive, included Clypeaster rosaceus (four sites), Clypeaster subdepressus (five sites), Encope michelini (three sites), Leodia sexiesperforata (eight sites), Meoma ventricosa (nine sites), and Plagiobrissus grandis (four sites). All sites were dominated by one species, but some sites included up to five echinoid species. Live-dead fidelity was high, including a good agreement in species composition of living and dead assemblages, congruence in species rank abundance, and overlapping spatial distribution patterns. This high fidelity may either reflect long-term persistence of local echinoid populations or fragility of echinoid tests that could prevent post-mortem transport and the formation of time-averaged death assemblages. Regardless of causative factors, the live-dead comparisons suggest that irregular echinoid assemblages, from settings that are comparable to the study area, may provide a fossil record with a high spatial and compositional fidelity. The survey of live fauna is consistent with past regional surveys in terms of identity of observed species, their rank abundance, and their spatial distribution patterns. The results suggest that despite increasingly frequent hurricanes, active seasonal fisheries, massive tourism, and urban development, irregular echinoids continue to thrive across a wide range of habitats where they provide diverse ecosystem services by oxygenating sediments, recycling organic matter, supporting commensal organisms, and providing food to predators. Results reported here document the present-day status of local echinoid populations and should serve as a useful reference point for assessing future regional changes in echinoid distribution and abundance

    Taphonomy of a clypeasteroid echinoid using a new quasimetric approach

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    A new quasimetric approach is used to statistically analyze taphonomic data from a commonly occurring shallow water clypeasteroid echinoid in order to obtain metric equivalent measurements of taphonomic alteration on an interval-like scale. This technique takes the character condition as well as its proportion into account and translates the taphonomic alteration into data, which behave as interval scaled and thus allows for the use of parametric as well as non-parametric statistics. Tests of Echinocyamus pusillus from Giglio Island (Mediterranean Sea, Italy) were analyzed with respect to a suite of taphonomic features including abrasion of the test surface, tubercles, ambulacral and genital pore margins as well as, if present, the outline and cross section of predatory drillholes. The degree of fragmentation and encrustation was also determined. Taphonomic features were analyzed using a semi-quantitative approach with three degrees of test alteration including non-altered, moderately altered, and highly altered which were statistically analyzed using non-parametric statistics due to highly non-normal distributed data. Abrasion intensities vary among different surface characters, with exposed areas of the test showing higher abrasion intensities than sheltered areas. Fragmentation occurs in low frequencies (7%) and fractures in the tests are almost absent (1.7%). Encrustation rates by bryozoans and serpulids can cover up to 80% of the test surface, but vary strongly among individuals and sample sites. Encrustation is independent of test size and prolongs overall test survival by crossing plate boundaries. The presence of drillholes in decreasing test preservation potentials is discussed with respect to analytical parameters

    Structural design of the echinoid's trabecular system.

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    The multi-plated skeleton of echinoids is made of the stereom, a light-weight construction which resembles a micro-beam framework. Although the two-dimensional design of the stereom has been studied, its spatial architecture is only little known. It is, however, imperative to understand the spatial architecture of the trabecular system in order to interpret its structural principles of this load-bearing construction. The echinoid's trabecular system is thus analyzed in-depth with respect to eight topological descriptors. The echinoid's plates are divided into two regions, the center of which consists of an unordered stereom, and the margin which consists of an ordered stereom. The eight trabecular descriptors indicate that the basal topology of the two plate regions are similar. The trabecular system predominantly consists of short and stocky trabeculae that show little tortuosity. The majority of trabeculae intersect in a 3N configuration, where three trabeculae intersect in one common node. Trabeculae in the 3N configuration intersect in an angle of around 120° resulting in a planar and triangular motif. These planar elements, when arranged in an angular off-set, can resist multi-dimensional loads. Results also show that the trabecular orientation perpendicular to the plate's surface is at an angle of 60°. The trabecular orientation in the plate's horizontal plane is directional. Both trabecular orientations reflect a construction which is capable of resisting applied loads and can distribute these loads over the entire skeleton. The spatial architecture of the echinoid's trabecular system is thus considered to be a performative light-weight and load-bearing system